Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Charmed and Dangerous-Toni McGee Causey

Charmed and Dangerous
Toni McGee Causey
St. Martin’s Jun 2009, $7.99
ISBN: 9780312358495

In Lake Charles, Louisiana, twenty-eight years old Bobbie Faye Sumrall expects a relatively calm day while looking forward to wearing her family heirloom a tiara at the Contraband Days festival. However, her hope for being laid back is drenched very early when her defective washing machine sends a tidal wave throughout the trailer she shares with her five-year-old niece Stacey. The youngster sums up the opening disaster by thanking her aunt for placing a swimming pool inside their home

That proves to be the most positive moment of the day as flooding is easy to deal with than her scoundrel brother Roy of catfish and BS slinging fame. He has been abducted and the kidnappers demand as ransom the tiara her late mom left her. Bobby Faye works on rescuing her sibling while not giving away her only valuable asset; her brother is not of equal value. However, at the bank thugs rob the tiara from Bobby Faye, who forces Trevor the trucker to pursue them at the same time her former boyfriend, police officer Cameron has another mental cardiac arrest knowing Bobbie Faye's chasing some armed and dangerous hoods; he fears what she will do to them when she tackles them.

This zany jocular regional thriller is fast-paced from the opening trailer turned swimming pool scene to the confrontation over the tiara and to a lesser degree her scoundrel sibling; the action is top rate even with tons of amusing situations. Fans will laugh loudly at the antics of the heroine as she once again proves she is CHARMED AND DANGEROUS while robbing the bank, hijacking a truck, and chasing thieves. In Sumrall, just another wacko Bobbie Faye day (see GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE GUNS) as .she affirms Murphy is a foolish California optimist

Harriet Klausner

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