Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Bride Wore Leather-Simon R. Green

The Bride Wore Leather

Simon R. Green

Ace, Jan 3 2012, $25.95

ISBN: 9781937007133

After trying to escape from Darkside, John Taylor has accepted his place in the darkest part of London. He has become the new Walker Voice of the Authorities and is marrying his beloved Suzie Shooter, the most dangerous bounty hunter in town.

However, before settling down, John wants to work one last case as a private investigator. He learns of a plot at the annual Ball of Forever to destroy an immortality serum. John gets inside and finds himself investigating the murder of the King of Skin. As the Walker, he and his friend Julien Advent search for the Sun King who believes that this locality abomination and its denizen need ethnic cleansing. Meanwhile nothing goes right; everyone hunts John including his leather clad fiancée who he fears might choose the bounty over love.

Although a bit thinner than usual, the latest Nightside thriller (see A Hard day’s Night) is a fast-paced exhilarating thriller. John tells the tale of how he goes from the fire into the frying pan while someone in the shadows manipulates the scenario. Fans will enjoy John’s tsuris as Darkside and the Sun King come after him while he wonders if he knows Suzie.

Harriet Klausner

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